Are you looking to upgrade your welding projects with precision and reliability? Whether it’s Piping Systems or Facility Welding, At Vancouver Welding Inc., our commitment to excellence ensures your projects stand strong.

Piping systems are an integral part of industrial facilities. These systems provide an efficient way to transport fluids, utilities, food, gasses, and more to various locations. Not all piping systems require welding, however, welded pipes often allow smoother joints and easier repairs.
Welding within a facility can vary greatly depending on the piping systems required, at Vancouver Welding we recognize that every project is different and must be taken with a unique approach, ensuring quality every step of the way.
Importance of Piping
Systems Welding
Piping systems are manufactured in different shapes and sizes, depending upon the applications. Because of the critical nature of piping system applications, welding is done by paying the utmost attention to the minor details. It must be of very high quality.
If welding is not adequately performed, then there can be potential health and safety hazards of leaking pipes, including suffocations, fires, poisoning, and explosion hazards.

Facility Welding Processes
Welding is a critical step in the safe operation of facilities. Depending on the materials used and the nature of the facility will change what process will be used.
Following types of welding processes can be employed in facility welding, which are as follows:

Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW) & Metal Core Arc Welding (MCAW)
Semi Automatic wire feed welding process that can be used for pipe, structural or miscellaneous fabrication.
Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) / Stick Welding
Often used during field welding, a reliable process used onsite for pipe or structural steel welding.

GTAW/TIG Welding
It is a versatile welding process that is suitable for all welding positions. It uses a non-consumable tungsten electrode.
It produces the highest quality weld and has become a replacement for gas metal arc welding in piping systems. TIG welding is mostly used where small welds are needed on stainless steel.
Factors Governing Piping Systems Welding Specification
There are different factors that you should take into account before selecting a particular welding process and welding parameters for a piping system. These factors include:

Piping Systems Welding Inspection
Since piping systems can be highly pressurized and can be dangerous if not properly welded, the inspection of welded piping systems is necessary to ensure the quality of welded joints.
Following piping systems welding inspection technologies are applied:

X-Ray Inspection
This welding inspection technique can detect welding defects beneath the surface. It is an expensive technique that is used for critical weld joints.
Ultrasonic Inspection
This welding technique can detect surface as well as subsurface welding defects. In this technique, a high-frequency sound wave is detected through the base metal and the welded joint. When a wave hits a discontinuity in a weld joint, part of the wave is reflected back. In this way, a welding defect can be detected.
Both welding inspection technologies have pros and cons that need to be considered based on applicable standards and customer requirements.

Our Core Values
These values serve as the foundation of our business, shaping the way we approach our work, interact with our clients, and contribute to the communities we serve.
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